The Hitler Game
"Putin is Adolf Hitler. Before last year, Donald Trump was Adolf Hitler. And a few years ago, the Czech anti-jihadist Martin Konvička was the new Hitler in the Czech environment. And, of course, all politicians who do not want to nod servilely to the globalist dictates," I wrote in my book Reflections on Elites, War and Peace.
But not long after the book's publication, there is a new development. American progressivist commentators have discovered that the new Hitler is - Elon Musk!
So has Adolf morphed from Trump to Putin and then to Musk? Or are Hitlers multiplying? They are doing it at an incredible speed. And the world is adapting fast. For example, the symbols of the SS divisions, for which not long ago one went to prison, are suddenly symbols of Ukrainian democracy. They have nothing to do with Nazism.
However, more seriously. What are we expressing by labelling someone as Adolf Hitler?
Firstly. No laws or moral rules apply. Anything can be done against a person labeled Adolf Hitler, without any restrictions. Anything. That's why playing Hitler is a decadent game. Decent and honest people don't label anyone as Hitler because they don't need a justification for vile and disgusting acts.
Second. Here again I will use a quote from the book already mentioned, "So what does the comparison to Adolf Hitler say? It expresses a determination not to talk, not to negotiate, not to associate with such a person at all. It also expresses the conviction that I am strong enough to afford it."
Here too, evolution has proved me right. A few weeks after the book's publication, the Estonian prime minister said she didn't understand why anyone would negotiate with Russia. You don't talk to the wrong people, she said.
Is the West really so strong that it can afford not to talk to Russia? So that it can continue to insist on its current position: either a 'final solution to the Russian question', including the US occupation of Russia, or nothing?
Diplomatically, it does not look like it. All attempts to isolate Russia have failed.
It doesn't look that way militarily either. As Scott Ritter recently put it, the West is demilitarized after six months of war. Stocks are so empty that no one but the US would be able to wage war for more than two weeks. That's not just Scott Ritter saying this, but the Financial Times and the New York Times.
And as for the promised economic destruction of Russia, that needs no elaboration.
So why does the Hitler narrative continue? Why is the view still prevalent among members of the elite that it is within our means not to allow peace negotiations?
Well, because reality does not matter! What matters is how it is presented. It's about the media image. It's about what the social media posts look like. It's how impressive the videos are. That's what you decide. That's what these people have been raised to do and that's what they're used to. After all, management bonuses are not awarded based on the quality of the product, but on the impression the presentation gives to investors. A successful politician is not one who gets things done, but one who gets nice reports.
So it doesn't matter what happens on the battlefield. All you need to decide is articles about Russians fleeing in panic from brave Ukrainians and soon Moscow will fall. Or the statements of economic experts that there will soon be famine in Russia. And of course, next week the Russians will be out of ammunition. After all, it would be such a shame to spoil it now, when complete victory is so close!
And so we continue to play the Hitler game.